Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution

Hi folks,

I have a relatively new setup in my home office (12' x 14' with hardwood floor) and am seeking recommendations for a subwoofer solution.

Speakers: Ologe 5
Preamp:    Bryston P26 
Amp:         Forte 1A
Budget:     Flexible but just want something to provide a good match for the above components.
Music:       Mostly Classical and Jazz.  Some rock, some fusion.
Source:     Well, that's something else I am seeking advice on too and will post under the appropriate discussion topic

Problem is none of the local Hi Fi shops here in the Boston area have any experience with, let alone heard of Ologe speakers.  Couldn't get any recommendations there.

Has anyone owned or at least listened to these speakers? Or any of the other Ologe speakers?
The Ologe site ( features a subwoofer called Ologe 20 at USD $8550.  
Just wanted to look into alternatives before dropping over 8 grand on the Ologe 20.
 I am open to but don't know much about subwoofer swarms.

I am not looking for anything overkill.  Just a subwoofer solution to nicely complement my somewhat modest home office system.

Hello hleeid,

     Everything millercarbon stated is true, a 4-sub distributed bass array is the best solution.  However, in a home office environment in which I'm assuming you'll be listening primarily from your desk chair, I think a pair of SVS-SB1000 subs, currently on sale for 1/2 price at $499 each and $950 for a pair, will provide very good bass performance, if properly positioned in your room, that will also integrate or blend with any pair of main speakers used.  There's absolutely no need to use the same brand subs as your main speakers and you're going to save at least $7,000.
     Here's a link to the SVS website and the SB1000 subs:
     These are very good quality subs at a great price. They also have all the necessary controls of volume, crossover frequency and continuously variable phase control that will enable you to seamlessly blend the added bass with your main speakers.
     If you decide to buy a pair of these subs, or any other pair of subs, I'm willing to describe the method to position and configure them for optimum results.  I have no financial interests in SVS, I'm just retired and willing to assist.

Thanks for the great suggestions!
I like both the DBA and SVS suggestions. If I go with the SVS, I will graciously seek out your set up advice Tim.

Millercarbon - do you actually build DBAs? If so, and if I decide on a DBA I would prefer to send business your way.

Tim - Can the SVS be configured into a DBA if I purchased 2 pairs?  Or would that not be the correct approach?Also since each SVS has its own integrated amplifier, can they drive the main speakers too?

 I am still a newcomer to this hobby and am beginning to realize just how much there is to learn about these things.

Hello Hans,

    I bought my 4-sub DBA system, the Audio Kinesis Swarm, for $2,800.  Here's a link to a review of that that system:

     Millercarbon built his own custom 4-sub DBA system, a copy of the Swarm but with upgraded woofer drivers, for about the same price.  I'll let him describe this option if you're interested.
     You could also build your own custom 4-sub DBA system by purchasing 2 pairs of the SVS SB1000 subs for about $1,900.  This option, however, is the most difficult to properly configure because the three important settings, volume, crossover frequency and phase, need to be set on each of the 4 subs.  With my Swarm and millercarbon's custom Swarm clone, all three controls only need to be set just once on the sub amp/controller for all four subs as a group.

     Any of these three 4-sub DBA system options will result in excellent perceived bass throughout your entire office.  The 2-sub option I mentioned will provide a more limited area of very good perceived bass centered on your desk chair position.  From your desk chair, all options will provide very good bass response that will sound seamlessly integrated or blended with your main speakers.


The Rythmik F12-300 Servo-Feedback Subwoofer is currently on sale for $700 shipped. That's of course $2800 for four, but if you buy more than one at a time, I believe you get a 10% discount on your order. Each sub has it's own 300 watt amp, and controls include x/o frequency, continuously-variable 0 to 180 degree phase, and damping.

The L12 entry-level Rythmik is $559 shipped, and it also features Rythmik's Direct Servo-Feedback circuitry.

Dear @hleeid : "" I am still a newcomer to this hobby and am beginning to realize just how much there is to learn about these things. """

In audio always there is something to learn and speaking of subwoofer subject a lot to learn/understand.

First is to understand why with passive speakers we need subwoofers, second if we are listening music in HT fashion or just stereo music and third the bass range quality level we want it.

If you mainly listen MUSIC ( stereo system. ) then please read with care this post:

Listening to MUSIC what we need is a good overall quality room/system at one seat position.

As a fact main speakers mid and high frequency ranges can have only one seat position where both frequency ranges are " optimal " and what we want is that the bass range be " optimal " too.

Now, your speakers small woofers handle a frequency range that goes ( -3db. ) from 48hz to 2khz and works down to 32hz.

That frequency range that handle those small woofers is really wide and makes that the Intermodulation Distortion levels in the speakers goes really high ( in that link is the explanation about. ) and this is the main reason why you need subwoofers that at the same time gives you not only a lot better quality room/system reproduction from your speakers ( midrange/high range. ) with lower overall distortions levels but now you will have at your seat position that really elusive and critical bass range, not boom boom but a true quality bass range and for this you need that the subwoofers bass range goes lower than 20hz that is where belongs a true subwoofer ( With all respect the ones in the link that other gentleman posted are not true subwoofers due that goes down only to 24hz but neither the ones that comes in the post speaking of 4 subwoofers. Both advises can’t give you the third characteristic I mentioned before: bass range quality. The kind of bass range at one seat position of those advises are rounded in the mediocrity/average. Perhaps in a dedicated thread I can explain to those gentlemans the real meaning on what I’m posting here. ) and that the subwoofers gives you a lower self distortion levels: you are looking for quality not only bass, at least is my understanding for what you ask. Of course that I can be wrong.

For just MUSIC it’s worth to invest in good quality pair of self powered subs with kigh pass filter. No, not 8k and you can find out true high quality subs in second hand market even here in the Agon list advertasing.

But if you want the subs mainly for HT then things are different because the HT overall need it quality is different too and had several seat positions. HT needs are different from just stereo MUSIC listening.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,