A little History lesson on, "High- End" cables:

Inquiring minds might want to know, how the High-End cable market all got started.  Expiring minds?   Well......   (http://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/a-short-history-of-high-end-cables/)
NASA 👨‍🚀 and the military 💂‍♂️have always been super high on my list of keen eared audiophiles. 
My comments concerning Masterbuilt cables were historical.  Masterbuilt adapted cables specifically for audio use from the military to my knowledge as opposed to just sell military cables.
Yeah, maybe so, but for $35,000 for speaking wiring upgrade? I’ll pass, thanks anyway. I mean, how gullible do they think we are?
  • I dont think they assume people on average would be. The business plan only requires selling a couple pairs a year .