Cox TV via Zone 2 from the Bryston SP3 to the Audioengine 2+ is the solution I sought for energy efficient TV. It uses the volume control of the SP3 but completely circumvents the rest of the HT setup. Unexpected is the ability to play the Cox music channels directly to the AE 2+, and the discovery that its sound is pretty damn good for music. It won't fool you into thinking you're listening to the Ayre 5/20 series digital hub, preamp, amp and KEF Ref 1s, but then its MSRP is about $200 vs about $4K for the Ayre/KEF stuff -- of course that's without the SP3 that had an MSRP about $10K.
Glad I bought the Ayre gear and SP3 used, so MSRP didn't apply.
Glad I bought the Ayre gear and SP3 used, so MSRP didn't apply.