(Jolida) Black Ice Audio Foz SS-X Sound Enhancement

I could find only a few reviews of this device and a few forum entries here. They were all favorable. I sorely needed the bass enhancement circuit for my Maggie 3.7s. I have a Marchand X.26 crossover handling them and the sub but the integration was not ideal. The pre and amps are Cary Audio Class A mono blocs. The source is transparent and very revealing. I did not want anything to upset the glorious sound of the tubes. I also needed something to offset my small-ish listening room. The Maggies ’stand watch’ but I can’t get the distance I need for them to bloom. The SS-X seemed to fit the bill - tube driven, clean specs and a solid designer pedigree. I respect Jim Fosgate.

I ordered the SS-X on the strength of his engineering expertise, particularly in tubes, viz-a-viz Jolida. Not having heard the device it could be considered a leap of faith or a plunge into disappointment. I held my breath.

Straight to the chase: Maggies now have a sweet bottom end, the sub has been dialed back and has disappeared and the top to bottom synergy is spot on and very satisfying.

But wait, there’s more...

The spatial imaging adjustment: Well, I listened to several of my favorite studio recordings. Clean, thankfully. I then put on a nightclub recording of the late Ben Webster live in Amsterdam. I nearly fell out of my chair. The speakers disappeared and I was looking around for the cocktail waitress. The drum kit, the piano, the double bass were all present in the venue with all of its ambiance and Mr. Webster was doing what he did so incredibly well: swinging the audience ala Ellington with that big smooth sax. You could hear everyone present as if you were sitting there.

I’m still waiting for the cocktail server. Incredible device and worth every penny and the anticipation.

HA! I have found one thing that bugs me. Seems that a spot of silver paint on each knob will give me 'at a glance' idea of where the knob is positioned. Can't see them well enough unless all the lights are on. What this actually means is that I have absolutely no remorse about this product being in my system. Come to think of it, I could just find find really cool looking knobs to replace the black ones. 'Nuff said.
Very interesting indeed.

May have to give one a try on my Maggie's.

After all $400 is not a fortune.
One is on its way.
Found a trade in at $300 so not painful at all.
We will see.

I am presently using an iFi audio itube buffer which gives me a good result on my cassette deck and an el cheapo Chinese tube buffer on my R2R tape deck.

Will be nice to run both decks into just one unit.
Received my unit today and have to say first impressions are well, not impressive at all.

The sound I had running through my iFi iTube buffer on my Nakamichi 660zx was considerably better than through the Jolida.

Bass was much more stout and clearer, the Jolida almost seems to put a veil over the bass and leaves it more a one note muffled affair no matter where I have the bass dial.
Now the dimension is fun but that is about it.

Overall unless it gets much better the longer the unit is on and warmed up it is not a keeper.

Even though it is nice to have just one unit to run both analog sources through, I think I would just buy another iFi iTube buffer for the open reel deck.
Maybe the Nak is just not a good match to the Jolida.

I say this because I have just sat down and am playing Janis Joplin through my Pioneer R2R through the Jolida and it is night and day.

This sounds spectacular!

So different from the Nak through the Jolida.

Most odd.

Be worth keeping just for the sound from the open reel through it but I will likely put the Nak back on the iFi iTube unit .