Buyer is claiming damage that was done by him!

Hi group,
I sold a pair of mint Harbeths. I shipped them in original double boxed carton with original bonnets covering them. I just received this EMAIL from the buyer. I know that many ruin these speakers trying to pry  the magnetic grills off incorrectly. What is my recourse with this issue?
Thanks  much for your input!

This is the EMAIL I received from the buyer!

Hi. I picked up the speakers from FedEx yesterday. They arrived with some minor dents around the front top corners near the grille on both speakers. When I opened the outer box, I've noticed that one side of the inner box wasn't sealed on top and as a result the speakers came out of the top foam speaker holder. I guess the damage occurred from speakers bumping against each other. The grill cloth is also ripped near the dents. I've sent an email to Harbeth asking how much replacement grills are going to cost. I could probably live with those dents but grills might be replaced at some point. I'm still waiting on my amp to come back from service, so I have not even plugged the speakers in yet. Hopefully the drivers are ok.    

Did you actually READ any of this thread?

The seller sent me pictures and the grills are ripped and the wood is chipped on the top corners of both speakers. It looks like all the other Harbeths that I have seen when the grills were removed improperly.
He is going to get a price on new grills and let me know what they will cost.
It looks like he got me by the ole short hairs!
Why exactly ?

Have you subtly broached the subject that you believe he may have caused said damage by his own actions?
Maybe if you let him know you suspect foul play he may back up a little?

Do you know roughly how much you are talking for new grills?
If so what does that represent as a percentage of your net sale?
Post removed 
I did and he denies it. I told him that I will give him a refund for the price of the grills. I would like to avoid having the speakers shipped back to me! I will find out tomorrow what new grills cost.
Have you considered, that this may be a negotiation tactic? Maybe he is hoping for a partial refund, equivalent to the cost of the grills, he would come out ahead by having you fund his mistake. He did state that he was getting a price on replacement grills and that he could “maybe”live with the damage.
Just a thought, FWIW
As one who worked for the USPS for nearly forty years,and yes I still have some brains left, the buyers story seems dubious to say the least. My first question to you would be were the speakers insured by FedEX for their full value. If they were and the buyer is claiming that they were damaged, it is FedEx's responsibility to pay the buyer. Therefore the buyer would be required to submit a claim with photos of the speakers and all the boxes. If the outer boxes were not damaged, the buyers story of damage by "speakers bumping against each other" or any other "damage in shipping" story holds no credibility, and FedEx would tell the buyer to take a hike. If you want to be a nice guy, which it sounds to me that you are, and if the price of the grills are reasonable, you may want to refund the buyer the difference and call it a day. However, grills are expensive, I would tell the buyer to deal with FedEx.