It only took 25 years

but I finally found it. A stone cold mint copy of Respighi's Brazilian Impressions (SR90153). I've owned the Philips Golden Import for 25 yrs. but had never seen an original. What's the longest you've ever searched for a record?
I searched a number of years for a Barbara Cook record a friend in London wanted. Ends up it was a friend of his looking for it; so when I found it years later and shipped it to him in London, it took him a dozen phone calls to various friends, because he could not remember who asked him for it. All ended well, when I was in London a year later I got treated to a nice dinner and a tour or Lloyds of London trading floor as my reward.
it took me 3 years to complete my mint/mint collection of paul simon on japanese vinyl, when i found someone in fla. who was willing to take one of my sealed mofi's "thick as a brick" in exchange for "graceland." -kelly
Scott Walker "Scott"; finally found it in a used book store after nearly 10 years of searching. Anybody know if this album is available on CD?