I need a new CD player what is the general opinion on future of compact disc looking at 3000$ Yamaha or is the wiser choice going to hard drive I know this question is a little hard to answer. 
Like many folk here, I own a large CD collection (alongside a large vinyl collection) and still buy new and used ones (as I do for vinyl). I thought of ripping all of them, but it's time consuming and over the years I've had more issues with hard drives breaking down than CDs going bad. So I thought: "what would be the point of ripping CDs and then keeping them as back-up?" When my CD player died a year ago, I replaced it with Hegel's Mohican (plays only Red Book CDs). I've been very happy with the sound it produces.
I have about 800 CD's, including about 80 SACD's.  A few months ago I realized that my interest in them was being deflated by three things--the mediocre quality of some CD's, a lack of information to help me remember which ones I preferred, and difficulty finding them on the shelf.  So I created a spreadsheet and spent some time overhauling and expanding the collection. 

I now have about a hundred CD's sitting nearby waiting to be sold or donated to Goodwill.  The survivors--at least the ones I care most about--have been researched to find and acquire the best version.  I have a Denon DCD-A100 SACD player, so SACD's are an option.  While I love the detail and nuance of the SACD format, I have found the hard way that mastering needs to be considered before format.  Mastering issues are a minefield, but if you invest the time, they can be overcome.  Expect also to make some mistakes.  A few days ago I had to retrieve a redbook CD from the "sell" pile and replace it with an SACD that I had purchased, which had much poorer dynamic range.

As was said above, CD's are cheap right now.  SACD's, not so much.  Try to find the hybrid SACD of Peter Gabriel's "So" album under $80 from a reputable seller, for instance.  One thing to note, however, is that the condition of used CD's for sale can only go downhill over time.  Eventually the supply of good-quality used CD's will play out.
Proper CD protocol - always store CDs vertically. Keep the majority of CDs in a separate room, only keep the current rotation in the listening room. Always treat all of your CDs to a couple days in the home freezer. You’ll get better sound and your CDs will thank you. 😊 
@ sd40
"One thing to note, however, is that the condition of used CD's for sale can only go downhill over time. Eventually the supply of good-quality used CD's will play out."

I have copied used CDs from various sources, some looking unbelievably damaged.  Yet the vast majority copy beautifully for later replay. I am amazed at how resilient the CD format really is.  Yet if put into a CD player, error correction during listeneing might adversely affect the SQ.  That's one of the advantages of ripping.  

Great thread.   I am someone who also enjoys using the compact disc as my main music source.  I enjoy putting going to my collection and picking out something that fits the mood.   Big_Greg above recommended the Marantz black pearl and i highly concur. what a great all in one player.  I now use the DMP player  and DSD DAC from PS Audio and they are fantastic.  Love live the compact disc