D’Agostino amp with Spectral preamp

Is trying to run a D’Agostino amp with a Spectral totally not doable?  The reason I ask is that I was thinking of adding the amp in my system first then getting the Dag preamp or a tube pre later. Later is much later like a year. Do you think this would sound terrible?
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What's the output impedance for the preamp and the input impedance for the power amp?  I could look it up, but so could you.
Personally we can't think there would be any reason why these two couldn't work together. 

However in our opinion you can get better sound for less money than the Dagastino gear with the T+A electronics they make an extraordinary 300 watt per channel power amp which competes with the much more expensive Dag amp. 

As per sonic flavors these are two totally different sounds, the Spectral is super clean and fast, the Dagastino is more traditionally a warmer more laid back sounding product. 

If you like the sound of Spectral go with Spectral if you like Dag go with Dag gear.

Hope that helps.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ