It’s you.

I’m somewhat thick-skinned. Usually I’m the last to recognize I’m being insulted, maybe I’m just a little slow, whatever...

I’ve been a member for several years, and read a lot more than I post. Some of you have been so gracious and helpful, I can’t thank you enough. Some of you post your insights with an awesome sense of humor, it makes learning fun! 

I appreciate the people that host this site, it’s a great resource for our hobby.

Once in awhile, someone posts a question like, ‘How can we make Audiogon better?’, or something close.

Generally, the responses mention changes to the site format, criticize dealers that participate, etc. Some gentle souls mention things like ‘our behavior toward each other could be better’ - only to be told people need to toughen up! If they can’t take the heat, leave! 

Only the strong survive, right?

Wrong, it ain’t a tough undertaking, and there’s no good reason to suffer at the hands of people with poor online communication skills. The term audiophile does not strike fear in the hearts of men, it’s people that enjoy hifi. I doubt the National Guard is put on high alert during audio shows. 

It’s a hobby, it should be light and fun. This forum is the only way some interact. It is some people’s social network. I’m guessing some on here are shut ins, elderly, in poor health, and/or suffer from who knows what. Some have modest systems, but are proud of them. They are people, that lose spouses, dogs, jobs. They get cancer and they are afraid of not being able to pay their bills. Some are very rich and very lonely. Some are bullied at school, work, and home. 

But yet when they reach out, heaven forbid with a innocently uneducated question or comment, some of you take the opportunity to knock them down a notch, expose their ignorance, help them get tough, right? 

Most of the people on here are too nice to say anything, so they just post around and ignore your insults and disrespectful comments. 

Some of you poke your head in a discussion just to leave a comment criticizing the thread, or minimizing another’s opinion. Shoot one across the bow and on the next, just toughening people up. 

My money is on you coming from a point of weakness and building yourself up at the expense of others. There’s no telling what got you in that place, but please don’t make others suffer as a result of it. Remember what Thumper’s mother said. 

I’m a filthy hearted, scabby sinner, but I try,

So, please be nice and patient with the people on here. Don’t be the savage of a hifi site, go to a beer joint with bars on the windows, that’s the place to work that kink out...,
Well said.  I recently posted a request for help in choosing speakers that were considered strong in classical music, particularly string instruments.  Many people were extremely helpful and pleasant, but some were downright viscous.  Keeping things in perspective, we're talking about audio equipment.  It's not really a topic that should elicit such visceral personal attacks.
Wish there was a good simple answer to this increasingly depressing situation but I do not believe there is.

Teo May well have nailed it in his first few opening sentences.

There are so many online personas that are just a means of escape from the drudgery of real life for so many people nowadays.

in todays age I just am not sure it can be fixed even with a purge.

Just to prove it....... GK, at least I have a mother..........
Cal91, sorry about that, I hope you got what you needed. The knowledge is here, no doubt. 

Almarg, who posted earlier, is a wealth of information - at least I think so. His expertise is way above my comprehension, but I can generally grasp the big picture. 
Uberwaltz, it’s a slippery slope.

(I think GK is a good cat, perhaps a bit eccentric!)

I’m not whining about different personalities- but meanness is a different kettle of fish. 

Ideally, this should be a place to take a break from the grind, not bring it here. I always assumed that’s the purpose of hobbies, but then again, I’m not known for my keen reasoning skills. 

I’m not pushing for a ‘safe place’, but we could take the edge off a little....
I think it is entirely possible that we now do have people who visit various forums just to act out in ways they know they could never get away with out in the real world.

Agreed I would expect and hope to have a much more mature audience here than say video gaming forums and for the very most part I think we do.

I am as guilty as any here for being stupid at times but I do not believe have yet brought outright mean to the table ( Sure someone will correct me ... Lol ).

You have to have differing personality or it would be a VERY boring forum indeed but there are limits to behavior which do get crossed at times.