Paradigm Persona series

I'm beginning to poke around and gather opinions and information about a "super speaker" to replace my aging Thiel 2.4s.  I like the idea of bass dsp room correction and I am a bit of a point source type imaging nut (thus the Thiels).  So among other choices I've been looking at the Paradigm Persona series specifically the powered 9H with room correction for the bass.  However I'm skeptical of the "lenses" i.e. pierced metal covers on the midrange and tweeter specifically because of Paradigm's claim that such screens "screen out" "out of phase" musical information.  The technology in the design seems superlative but I just can't get past the claim re out of phase information and the midrange and tweeter covers.  What could possibly be the science behind this claim?  It just seems like its putting a halloween moustache on the mona lisa given the fact that the company is generally a technology driven company.
I’ve visited Paradigm dealers where 75% of the salespeople will candidly admit that they prefer a competitor to the Persona line at similar cost for their home systems, and no these aren’t all people who don’t appreciate clarity or who lean towards warm sounding speakers because in some cases the preferred competitor also uses beryllium.

Horses for courses. Everybody likes what they like and it’s all subjective anyway.

I love the sound of Spendor, but no doubt there are some who would say Spendors sound terrible, and I wouldn’t tell them they’re wrong or that they must have heard Spendor in a bad setup. I’d realize that they just prefer a different sound than I do.

Now if if they say any candy bar other than Mounds is best, then we’ll have to take it outside ... : )

i heard a not cheap Klipsch setup today playing on a five figure Esoteric amp at a dealer and I swear it was one of the worst sounding speakers I’d ever heard in the cost range, but there was another customer there just eating it up and I could tell that to him it was sonic perfection.
Just reread my post and would like to apologize for my analogy lol...had a few beers.

The Personas were toed in but even if they were not properly spaced I should not be able to detect the crossover between the midrange and tweeter. As far as cables go, they were probably just using some run of the mill Monster wires. The source was off the guy’s phone streamed to the Mcintosh integrated amp. Maybe I am not a fan of Mcintosh. You know David Belles is right down the road I should see if he would be willing to loan and integrated amp to this store. I actually have yet to hear one of his amps but they have a small following.

On a side note, Audio Doctor I checked out your website and see you cary Exposure amps. I am a huge fan of their sound signature and I was wondering if you have had any experience with the difference between the 3010s2 and 3010s2D?
I love the Belles stuff.  For SS gear Belles is at a great price point and punch high.  Aesthetix gear is like that too in the Tube range (that new integrated is a game changer for tube gear in that price range).  

The new Ayre 8 Series stuff is just unbelievable for the cost.  Real meat on the bones and plenty of the Ayre micro and macro detail.  

Sorry to go on, but this is some of the new stuff I've really liked a ton.  The Ayre stuff is sick if you go afford it even withe a stretch.  

Heard the Persona 9's again at a dealer who has them set up in a great room and with top gear.  They sounded the best I've ever heard them sound.  They are still way too top heavy for my tastes, but I see why many like them.  
My experience trying to put together a greater sounding stereo has pretty much mirrored what audiotroy talks about. I don’t dispute their reality I just don’t like it because I cannot afford to play there. I had hoped that using audiogon and patience I would be able to assemble a class a system for a fraction of the cost. Unfortunately AT is spot on when they say you can’t buy a bunch of components that get great reviews and count on great sound, for me now it’s the chicken or the egg? Do I buy an amp/ pre amp and find speakers that like them? Wtf, seriously. I’m interested in great music not fancy boxes. There’s a lot of companies offering active speakers and to audiotroys analogy when you buy a Porsche it already has a sota tranny, tires, suspension, etc they don’t bankrupt you and then say what did you expect your garage doesn’t have a lift! I know they didn’t make the model but they support it.
Steve, this is one reason why we should rely on brick and mortar guys.  Even guys who sell out of their homes, like AT does.  It's important that we know what goes good together.  Most folks listen blindly to what folks tell them and chase their tails.  They aren't confident in their own ears or they aren't out listening to a lot of other gear.  When I go to audition for real, I use a paper and pen either during or afterwards.  I make copious notes as I can't remember if I don't.  use the same recordings that you personally bring in.  That way you can make notes about the same portions and then you will at least be closer than if you go by memory.

The best dealers I know as well as the top audio companies who I know well say the same things about system building.

Both ends are equally important.  The end product will only play what it's fed and how it's fed.  As good a source as you can buy is best.  Then the second for me is the preamp.  It's not a control unit.  It's the heart of the sound.  Most speakers will scale pretty high, so you can go a line lower if needed in order to get the best pre you can afford...Then it's the speaker and last the amp.  Teh cables etc... aren't for fine tuning IMHO.  They are the last part of the process (and important), but you can have a great system with mid level cables and cords if you have to.  

If you need to 'fine tune' with cables, then you've done something wrong in putting the system together.  

Again, it's my opinion.  If you are close to AT, then go to the other stores in NJ as well as some in NYC. You will figure out who you like best as well as what you like best.  If there is a speaker that you fall in love with, don't think it will sound just as good if you use the lesser pre or amp or source.  It won't adn you may not be happy adn will chase the tail.  

All just my opinion of course.