On my digital side I have an Aurender W20 server with a Metrum pavane level III DAC.    When I stream music I am using the HiFi TIDAL. The Metrum has an option of purchasing a card that I would install to add MQA capabilities. From what I have read there is some controversy as to whether MQA is a positive or negative to the sound of digital. I was interested in thoughts on whether I should add the module. 
@itsjustme  That post was a general and generic one and not directed at you. Agreed on the point you make.

@rbodner  The module lists for $250 with free shipping. Why would you not try it out??? Given the level (and cost) of your front end (Aurender W20 and Metrum Pavane Level 3) I would,.... just to get a feel for it's contributions.

I'm doing the same with a new board for my DAC and it has been an illuminating experience. 
David_ten - thank you for the references on MQA and it’s origin and inner workings. 

Vinylfan 62 and shandorne - OMG - digital music is here going forward. It has been a dramatic improvement over vinyl. Tidal HiFi with MQA has caused me to retire my Thorens turntable with SME tonearm (multiple cartridges). I still use two CD players in my two systems, as I have a large CD collection.  Tidal HiFi withMQA thru my LUMIN D1 has much better detail, lower noise floor, tighter base, etc. 

Progress is hard on people stuck in the 70s. 

In this hobby - your ears are the final judge - it is your money - but calling MQA claims ‘false’is over the top!! In my two systems MQA has given me better sound vs. analog compared to a live performance - IMO.

Happy listening!

@david_ten Thanks for you input. I am definitely leaning towards getting the module.

F/U Question:

Some of the technical aspects are confusing to me.

Do you think playing an MQA file from the server sounds different than a standard HIFI file even if the DAC doesn’t have an MQA converter/module?

There are multiple unfolds of MQA. Again, staying out of the debate on its merits, and adhering to its claims, there are some benefits without an MQA licensed decoder chip.
and @david_ten  - yes, i understand. I was just placing a generic caution that while that is all good reading, no one could build the chip (meaning understand how it really works) form what is published.
That of course is on purpose.