Your favorite Electrostatic, Panel spkr

 I’m putting together an analog system. First on the list was a turntable, I’ve settled on the Denon DP 59L. 
  Now let’s hear from the owners of some panel electrostatic type speakers, not ones you dreamed of owning, ones that you’ve owned and the reason why they were your favorite. 
I have reviewed the following for;
Eminent Technology LFT-8A/B (magnetic planar)
Magnepan .07 (magnetic planar)
Sound Lab Ultimate 545 (ESL)
Kingsound King  (ESL)
Kingsound King III  (ESL)

I have owned Magnepan 1.6QR (magnetic planar)

Currently reference is Kingsound King III with VAC Royal Power Supplies
-Someone just a few days ago seemingly bought the King III for sale here. They did very well. If they maximize that set properly it will reward them with stunning sound. 
Maggie 1.7i with a sub would sound wonderful in a room that size. My rooms a bit larger 12x15 and they were fantastic. I've moved to the 3.7i which is better on some music but also reveals a lot more flaws in a recording.
KLH Nines and Quad 57's! Both of which I own (one pair and two pairs, respectively).
The Acoustat's could really rock..  the model 3 with good power in a decent sized room was pretty impressive. I used to be dealer in the very early 80's..80/81 .. we had the model 4's being ran by a Threshold Stasis Two in a decent sized room.. I remember listening to the Police's Spirits in the Material World.. holy smokes.  the only negative was the sweet spot issue but once in that zone they were hard to beat on dynamic music swings.. I liked the two plus twos, but did not seem to get the bass response of the model 4's ..