Klipsch K Horns (the new AK6)

At $15k, eeek!!!!! and their hard to drive, forget your 2A3's on these

Cheers George
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d2girls Klipsch makes alot of lo-fi these days but they still make some stellar sounding speakers.  Many great companies are offering lower priced products. 
Reminds me of some other speakers I owned for years and loved. Tannoy’s.  They also don’t measure well which is why they spec the frequency response at -6 DB. 
 Measurements definitely don’t tell the whole story. And as far as Bass goes quality means a lot and horn loaded bass is definitely better quality then ported.  If I was buying a pair of these I would go into it knowing that I had to add subs crossed over at around 60 or 80 Hz, preferably horn loaded. 
 In fact at this point in the game I really wouldn’t run any speakers without subs. 


Don't take his comment too seriously. He posted those exact same words on three different threads yesterday!

Mijostyn why would I want to throw all that expense and musicality saping electronics into a speaker trying to correct it,s flaws, that at 15k it should have. Now that,s being totally i*****c !