does a subwoofer kill stereo sound?

I was wondering whether adding a subwoofer to a pure stereo system would cause any harm to the soundstage and other features of the system. What are your experiences? Should one buy a subwoofer to complement a great bookshelf pair (that may be lacking some bass) or necessarily one would have to buy a new par of speakers with deeper bass?
I use a passive sub so I could cherry pick the best matching amp , cables , cords , ect . I have used many different subs and set ups and found them all hard to integrate , many folks will never get it right . As to the original question , I don't feel a sub will kill stereo sound and if set up right can give a much fuller sound stage . Happy listening .
Disrespectuflly disagree that "subs exaggerate...."

Until someone has set up a subwoofer using RTA (and/or digital room correction), they should probably refrain from sweeping generalizations about what a sub does or does not do. A properly set-up subwoofer will produce measurably superior bass performance vis a vis the vast majority of full range speakers in the vast majority of rooms. Not a sweeping generalization - a fact.

There is a pretty simple reason: Most full range speakers are designed for placement out in the room. If this is where you generate your bass response, you will virtually always get serious cancellations at frequencies which can be calculated by their distance to the nearest wall and (to a lesser extent) further boundaries. A properly placed sub will mitigate those cancellations.

If a sub is exaggerating the low end, it is a poor sub and/or it has been improperly set up.

This doesn't mean that you have to prefer a sub to a full range speaker - merely that you can almost always get the sub to measure better, if you do it right.

Well first its important to understand bass is stereo not mono, and one subwoofer (unless its crossed over very low to complement a full range speaker) will collapse the soundstage. Thier really are two options, of course getting a full range speaker with enough bass on there own to satisfy you or getting two subwoofers one for the left one for the right. But to get quality bass information, carefull choice in subwoofers, cross-over adjustments, and placement are critical. It is definitely more difficult to acheive good sound with subwoofers then placing a pair of full range speakers. This takes someone with advanced setup skills to get right.

40 years hi-end audio video specialist
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