Hooking everything up for the first time

The connections between the receiver and the power amp - do you just use normal speaker cable?

Sounds like a dumb question but I've never had a separate power amp before.

Onkyo TX-NR515 receiver
Emotiva XPR-5 power amp (no manual!)

Thanks - rev
You should be cautious about connecting from the 'Line out' outputs directly to the power amp. Generally, a line out output means it is not controlled by the volume control on the receiver, meaning you'd be sending the full-volume signal to the power amp, something you probably don't want.

The 'Pre-out' connections, on the other hand, should send the signal through the volume control on the receiver.
FYI, IC means "interconnect." You could probably find the emotiva owners manual online.....but hooking up the amp should be pretty straightforward based on the advice above. Good luck and enjoy the sound.
If I'm not using Line Outs, the only way left is to connect each speaker OUT on the receiver to the corresponding speaker IN on the amp via the screw down posts. The ones that have a hole in the post.

If that's true(?) I'd have to cut one end off the standard RCA jacks, bare the wire and stick the bare end through the posts on the receiver? Then plug the RCA ends into the amp?

Thanks to all for your help! rev
Revnice-Do not do what you just stated!

Looking at the Onkyo manual it appears that to use the Line Out of the receiver, your Emotiva amp would need a separate volume control. Like Sfar said you should be cautious of hooking up amps to Line Out outputs as they typically are not attenuated. Sadly I think your receiver will not allow you to control a separate amp without the amp having a volume control.

You can try hooking your amp up to the Line Out with volume all the way down but you may end up damaging the amp or speakers.