The best looking speakers

I have 2 systems in my house. I am quite happy with what I have.
but I was wondering, what are the best looking speakers out there?
I haven’t taken up the question of new speakers with my wife, but more aesthetically pleasing speakers might help my cause/diseas.  
As some other have said: Sonus Faber Are great looking. I also like Totem and Boenicke and my wife would be ok with all of those.

I happened to mention Kii Three to my wife, more as dream speakers than something to buy right now. My wife took one look and said they were the ugliest speakers she has seen and that they would never come into our house. My dream was shattered.
prof....good for you, as, it should be.....The point I was making was based on me, and my experiences....Great example. My ex wife ( we were together for 34 yrs ), did not like the look of many speakers I have owned ( not just speakers, such as cables, elevated, on wood / ceramic blocks, etc ), but appreciated my listening habit ). I always had my own dedicated audio room, which was pretty much used by me, and listening buddies visiting. I was never " limited " to what was brought into " my space ". This was also an agreement the ex and I had made ( sort of like a prenup, lol ), prior to our engagement. When she visited my, at that time, current home, during our dating period ( I was 24 ), it was quite clear, she was not as " accepting " as your wife. I helped hundreds of listeners over the years, in putting systems together, and there were more conflicts, than not, when it came to the " looks " department. I do appreciate, as well, the fact that you need to be pleased, visually, with your speaker choices. I would own an " ugly " speaker, if it gave me the performance that satisfied my enjoyment of listening. I suppose, my modified Klipsch Lascalas, and the subs I had built, would not please many, on a visual level. Again, these have been my experiences. So, I do understand, not " all " spouses, are like yours.......Enjoy ! MrD. 
Duevel bella luna always looked good to me, never heard them though. Speakers more than anything need to be tried at home and I don’t have the room for them.

When I brought home the Magnepan MG20's my wife said, "They're ....... Doors! After hearing them, she said "They actually blend in with the decor". Thankfully, WAF can be improved somewhat with better sound, if they can hear the difference. The Maggies have actuall expanded her appreciation of different genres of music.

Happy listening, Butch
Tall ribbons or stats. Start with them close to the wall, as she would like and then, a little at a time, over the period of a week or so, move them out until they sound good - she’ll never notice ;-) .......Jim