Need help to know the value of these items

Hello everyone. I'm portuguese and I got this sound system inheritance. There are elements that I know the brand, others not. So I wonder if there is anyone who can help me.
garrard 301 with tonearm tabriz with a audio-technica cartridge.
3 Russ L (????) tubes amplifiers, one with 2 tangos transformers.
Final speakers.
Pre-amp  Sugden au.41.
best regards.
César Fernandes 

PS: sorry this is a translation made by google maybe doesn't even make sense.

They're worth exactly what someone will pay. Sorry but no one knows. Of course they will not hesitate to opine. But really no one knows. If what you want is to get the most you possibly can though its very simple. Take as many good pictures as you can of every individual item. Do a little research to learn a little about each piece and use that together with some good review clips to write a nice ad for each piece. Then list them all on eBay no reserve auction.

Yes use no reserve. No reserve gets bargain hunters bidding early. It will look for most of the auction like you are about to give it all away for nothing. Until in the last few hours they all start bidding against each other and guess who wins? You do.

I've done this a bunch. Always amazed how much some people will pay to "win" an auction. Only way to go.
Thank you millercarbon... only brand i still havent found any info about
are The Russ L.
ok i will do that. 

 The Garrard 301 has a very definite value in the marketplace. Just look up the prices of other units that may be for sale at this moment, and use those data as a guide. It would also help if you would say what version of the Garrard you have there. Grease bearing or oil bearing, for example. Also, is it in a plinth? If it’s in a plinth, what kind of plinth ? These details determine the ultimate value.