wilsom MAXX3 or Evolution Acoustics MMThree ?

Has anyone had actuall experience (shows, dealers, home, ownership...) with both of them to have comparative recommendation. Thinking of changing my Wilson MAXX2, and while I`m not sure if i`m doing the right thing, considering the price differences, those two speakers seems to be a natural replacements. But, I have no experience with any of them, and my dealers do not hold them, so help is needed. Thank you.
Something that needs to be mentioned is that the MM2's and MM3's drivers are all in the same positive polarity. The Maxx 2's and the Maxx 3's have the tweeter and woofer in positive polarity and midrange is inverted. This could explain the difference in what one hears between the two speakers. IMO

I currently own MM3's and have owned Wilson Watt Puppies 5.1
Thafler, I don't own any of these speakers mentioned and have no financial ties nor connections what so ever so I'm really acting biased in this conversation, what you wrote about the polarity you would agree there really is allot more going on than just those differences for both manufactures. It all comes down design and in the end what one prefers right.

If I currently owned MAXX2's as the OP does and was looking to move up the food chain I would be asking my self what benifits will I get doing this.

Now when looking at a totally different speaker manufacture be it a speaker in the Evolution line or another speaker manufacture that would be a whole new adventure.
Ed, looking at the pics of your room, it doesn't surprise me a bit that you were having problems with the Max 2 and 3's! Your room is waaay too small for those speakers. Also, your speakers are firing into your couch! One of the most important aspects of this hobby is to match your speakers to your room....
BTW,The MM2's seem to be also firing into your couch..:0(
Perhaps a better option for your room would be likes of a TAD CR-1.
I am surprised that your Wilson dealer would sell you Max's in a room of that size, a better match would have been the Sophias or the Duette's IMHO.
Janeb: With all due respect, how can you know Ed's room is "waaay too small?" He never even posted his dimensions.

Ed mentioned that he had a lack of bass foundation, not a situation of bass overload. If the room was "waaay too small," wouldn't you expect a large loudspeaker to put out too much bass?
I would sure like to hear the MM2's. From the specs and what I have read, they are truly a bargain in that league for the performance they offer. The MM3's with the extra woofer should offer more bass than what the specifications state on the home page. I love my B&W 800's, but I am slowly acclimating towards a leap in speaker performance. Must have a powered 15" woofer though. I have never come to like the looks of the Wilson's even if they sound good, they are part of the decor.