almarg8,964 posts
One thing I would do is to remove the top covers of the two components and make sure that the tubes are securely inserted in their sockets. Especially in the case of the amp, given that all of its 16 tubes are mounted horizontally, which might have made them susceptible to coming loose when the amp was transported.
@ kentrent
If you pull any of the tubes from the VT100 make sure the tube goes back into the same exact tube socket the tube was removed from. Exactly the same tube socket.
Especially the small 6922 signal tubes. Failure to do so can cause damage to the amp. The 6922 tubes are biased for the circuits they are installed in.
Also before you pull the top cover unplug the amp from the power wall outlet. Let the amp set for about a half hour to allow the high voltage electrolytic caps to drain/bleed off. The DC plate voltage for the power tubes runs about 450 volts DC.
Did the guy you bought the amp from tell you about how many hours are on the 6550 power tubes and the 6922 signal tubes? If not you need to find out.
6550 power tubes have an average life of 1500 - 2000 hours. The 6922 tubes average life around 4000 - 5000 hours.
Jmho, you are not knowledgeable, experienced, to replace and bias the 6922 tubes. You will need to pay to have it re-tubed by a professional when it comes time.
Total retube of VT100 Mk 1 & Mk 2
As for the speaker jumpers. Can you here any bass, music, at all coming from the bass drivers?