Audiocubics ?

I’ve tried for 3 weeks to get a hold of this company and no reply. Can’t find a phone number.
does anyone know if they are in business ?
They  make a R cube unit with a remote control for vintage gear. 
Anybody help we with this ?
My audio friend could help me with this. I’ll check it out.
Call me foolish but right now I’m using a Marantz 1060B and cant get past the Marantz sound. I’ve had many many amps and keep going back to the Marantz. The B is a step down, way down from the 1060.
id try a newer Marantz with remote if I knew I’d get the same sound but from what I’ve been told the newer ones do not have the vintage
Marantz sound.
Thank You

I tried to buy one of his R-Cube volume controllers recently but PayPal refuses to let you pay. I had no luck contacting him. Have you checked out the Khozmo preamps? They make really nice stepped attenuator passive preamps with an option for remote control.