Phono cartridge suggestions sought

Hi All,

 I am in the market for a new phono cartridge. I can run up to $1400 but would prefer not to if i can get the performance I want. 

I listen to predominantly Jazz on vinyl, though some rock, folk and classical also gets spun

I recently heard a Hana SL and Rega Apheta at a dealers—different decks, same room and system. Both sounded good although the Apheta was not as heavy sounding and at the same time sounded more “present”. I wasn’t really looking at the Apheta, but it was available to listen to. 

The room is accoustically live with lots of glass and hard surfaces but all sounds good. 

System: Naim Atom, Bryston TT, Parasound JC jr phono stage (so huge loading flexibility and gain up to the 60’s), Totem Acoustics Signature Ones, Transparent cables. Current cart: Denon 103r with 250 hours on it, so it is winding down. 

I have enjoyed the Denon. But wondering about that all elusive “more.”

on paper spec, nobody touches the Grados for channel separation, but not sure how essential a criterion that should be. Especially since I worked hard to tame some RFI from a nearby antenna and the Grados I have heard said are not well-shielded. 

Since my Totems only drop down to 45 Hz, I suppose absolute resolution on the low end could be sacrificed for other sonic goods. 

Ok, hive mind, what do you suggest?
When you’re listening to a cartridge with conical tip you loose a lot in resolution, no matter what arm or phono stage, speakers etc. Conical tip is the worst ever stylus tip, this is entry level and pretty much oldschool. The life span of that tip is too short.

First you have to know your arm effective mass when you’re looking for a cartridge for it.

Do not waste your time with Denon retipping/refurbishing, just buy a whole new cartridge with better stylus profile, better cantilever and overall better sound quality. If you like SoundSmith just buy his own MI cartridge! 

If you want a low compliance MC it can be Fidelity-Research PMC-3 with Air-Core Coil, Contact Line stylus.

If you want a decent mid compliance MM it can be Audio-Technica AT-ML150 OCC with Gold-Plated Beryllium cantilever and MicroLine tip.

... just to name a few, but there are many more (depends on your budget) and dealers will never offer you those carts in the shops! The world of cartridges is much bigger than Hanna, Denon and usual suspects, some vintage cartridges are superior to all of them, do not ignore them.
I heard the top of the new Sumiko MM line, the $600 Sumiko Amethyst, at a dealer on Totem Hawk , very nice tone and instumental seperation .
Was mounted on a Rega P6 which was also nice.
Also, which is important to me, it is a very easy cart to mount and adjust .
On my me to me Christmas list .
Chakster, thanks for those suggestions. BTW, Sending it to SS gives an option of either a ruby or boron cantilever, with a nude contact line or optimized contour nude contact line stylus for relatively little money. With that information, and based on your concerns about conical tips, do you still think that getting the Denon worked on makes no sense? If so, why? 
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Thanks schubert. After the 97 degree day we had here yesterday, Christmas seems far off, but glad you have something to look forward to. I will check if any of rhe local shops have that on a table. The Rega isn't a bad comparison to the Bryston as both go the relatively low mass unsprung engineering path though with different approaches to resonance control.