@Kentrent, the jumpers must be present on the rear of the amp (in the two places where it says "use jumper for single-ended") if and only if the connections between preamp and amp are made with RCA cables. The jumpers must be removed if the connections between preamp and amp are made with XLR cables.
@jea48 Jim, it looks like I provided an answer to some of the questions you directed to me in one of your recent posts while you were composing that post. So as I said it seems very possible that if the jumpers are installed while the amp’s balanced inputs are being used it "could make the preamp very unhappy." And the caution you found in the manual about not using the mute function while the volume level is high would seem to add credence to that.
Regarding your question about the volume difference, the OP had said earlier that:
At the seller house setup, he only turn on 30% and i can hear music pretty loud. But when my setup i had to crank up to about 70% to hear loud.
... And I note that the seller’s speakers are spec’d as being 6 db more efficient than the OP’s speakers. I’m guesstimating that would account for about 1/3 of that 40% difference. And perhaps differences in the source components and source materials that were used, room effects, and differences in listening distance might be contributing to some extent as well. But in any event it would seem that all bets are off until the issues of the sparking tube and the shut-downs of the preamp are resolved.
-- Al