Hi-Fi amp recommendation

Hi And thanks for reading this thread.
I am looking for a hi-fi transistor amp with good sound quality. There is stuff coming out of china, some with a bad reputation some with good.Have you heard anything about the good ones, can you give me any pointers in the right direction, have you maybe purchased an amp, are there any bargains to be had.Sorry for such a broad ranging question, any advice is appreciated. I already have a decent denon amp which cost me £1000, am wanting to get something better than that, something really top end.
I saw some good feedback on dartzeel boards and dartzeel full constructed amps, can you tell me if you tried any of these, if so what are the results. Any sound quality opinons or long term reliability issues.

Many thanks.
Hi Johnny, I have Naim Nap 200 Clone amps. They look good and really have good sound. I had an original Naim 5is, and the clone was better especially in bass, but also high voices were softer/cleaner! 

If you enter on aliexpress.com Naim Nap 200 you should find it. I have the black one with the blue light button in the front. They also have Naim Preamps, i would espect they are also great. I saw weeks ago that they have now also a Nap250 or evel Nap300. I expect they are all great.  

If somebody asks if the quality is the same like with a real 2000-3000 EUR amp, I would say no. I have now also a Primare A32 wirh 2x400 Watts and its better especially with my speaker which ask for 250 Wats minimum. But the Nap is really good as well, and perfect for the price of i guess 400 USD delivered. 

With the depreciation rate on high end audio gear (McIntosh being one exception) your best bargain will be buying used gear with a proven track record or loyal following. If buying used makes you nervous, focus on brands that still have techs in the field working on them. It’s less risky than taking a shot on unknown Chinese gear. (NOT meant a a DIG on China...I own a Chinese made DAC)

You don’t mention budget or power requirement, but for your 1000 pounds, I’d be looking at:
McCormick DNA 0.5 or 1.0Threshold (Depending on power needs)
Conrad Johnson older MF series

If you have more to spend this time around, some of the lower wattage Pass Labs or First Watt amps are worth researching.Also older Jeff Rowland amps like the model 2, 3 or 5.
I found a nice pair of Hafler gear from someone nearby. A 101 preamp and a DH200 amp. The cost was $300 - a real good deal! Dave Hafler was producing SS gear in the late '70s/'80s that was competitive with then-current four-figure gear! And still sonically very good today!