OPPO or Something Else?

I am very ignorant in the latest and greatest in digital audio. My current setup is all analog with the exception of a CD player. Before OPPO announced their cease of production I read a lot of reviews and opinions from what a wonderful product it is. My main interest is in the quality of audio it can produce and not so much with the video capabilities. However, it is probably more capable than my current Blu Ray player (3D is not a concern).
Getting back to audio quality my sources are CD's and SACD's. I know that DAC's are all the rage with digital media. While researching the history of the various OPPO models that came out over the years, and paying close attention to user experiences with audio performance, it seems that with each model the audio quality improved with each release of a new model. Such as.....the 95 over the 93, the 105 over the 103, and the 205 over the 203.
Since the close of OPPO production it makes sense that the price of existing units in good condition would bring a premium price in the used market to those determined to purchase one. There are also many opinions that some of the upgrades to those units elevate them to a supreme product (those upgrades/modifications appear to cost almost as much as the units themselves).
Given that info on what my listening media is, would purchasing a used OPPO whether modded or not offer very good audio performance versus buying a different piece of equipment in the $1k to $1.5 range? I know that there are many OPPO users out there that are satisfied with their purchases. But I am mostly interested in opinions that have strolled down the OPPO path and have been disappointed with the audio performance.

The 105 has both digital output (coax) and digital input (coax), so the Synchro-Mesh can just be inserted in this digital loop using 2 cables. It's that simple. Select the coax digital input in the "input source menu" and play the CD and you should get the lower jitter data to the DAC inside. It's really simple.
I assume this can be done with the Oppo 205 too?And does this setup work if I am streaming a Blu-Ray movie from my network and don't play the phisycal disc?
Thanks, Zsolt
I am asking the above question because I am not happy with my Oppo 203 audio quality as a network Blu-Ray streamer.I have compared it in the same system with a Lumin U1 Mini and the difference is really big. Both were set up as a Roon endpoint and streaming stereo Flac and DSD files to a DAC via SPDIF.
But for Blu-Ray music concerts I can't use the Lumin U1 only the Oppo, so I am thinking about un upgrade to a Modwright Oppo 205, which could be used as a DAC too.
But my understanding is that the Oppo 205 has the same streaming quality as an Oppo 203, so both might benefit from a produt like Syncro-Mesh...?

I had at a time owned the Syncro mesh and it actually degraded the sound quality of my Oppo 205. So, I don’t recommend it.

I use my Oppo 205 with my HR 4K Firestick streaming 4K Netflix and such playing through my home theater equipment. And when I really like a movie I purchase the 4K version. The Oppo 205 is awesome for that purpose.

I use a Bryston BDP-2 for streaming Qoboz and with a 8TB external hard drive with all of my music playing through a PS Audio Direct Stream Dac. Awesome for that purpose.

But, it is odd that with Oppo no longer manufacturing the product and as good as the Oppo 205 is and with used units going for 3X the original price, that NO other company has bought the Oppo platform.

@jrpnde it may help to know if you're specifically looking for the OPPO sound character and also if you specifically want to use the analog outputs on a CD player instead of an outboard DAC (second box). From your question, I think it's safe to assume you do not want to use the DAC in some existing equipment you own? But you are asking if anyone is unsatisfied with how OPPO sounds.

OPPO used the flagship (at whatever time the product was being designed) ESS Sabre DACs with a design goal towards neutral, accurate and precise sound. I can't think of a CD player with analog outputs that uses ESS and is designed with that goal in mind, off the top of my head. But there are several DACs that do, which you could then pair with a relatively inexpensive but high-quality transport.

As for the sound of OPPO—it's very much a preference. I would characterize the ESS sound as a bit more punchy and exciting than AKM449X-based DACs, for example. You may have read complaints online about ESS sounding a little harsh in the treble—that may or may not apply to you as many other people are obviously very happy.

In any event, I don't think buying a used OPPO would be a bad choice.
Thanks your feedback. I decided to keep the Oppo 203 for BR movies only and skip the 205.For stereo music streaming I am getting a dedicated streamer and DAC combination similar to yours.