Which power cords help ameliorate digital glare/grain/digititus?

Do power cords make a difference in ameliorating digititus? If so, which component most benefits, cd transport, dac or integrated amplifier? Which component is most likely the cause of it? Which cable?
I think shielding can help, but otherwise I think you should consider your DAC and room acoustics.

I haven't suffered from digital glare in ages.
Agree with Erik. My digital  suffered until I put together a transport, cable, and dac that was able to control jitter. Also works very well with my streamer.
Treating the room is always a must no matter what format you use.

In my quest to remove glare I tried using so called "digital" cables such as JPS and others, but they weren't as lively sounding as a good quality shielded cable. I'm not putting down these digital PCs, just saying in my system good shielding was an improvement.

I will say Many are helped by competent power conditioners.  That has solved many a headache.

+1 to @celtic66 's post.
On the off-chance that nobody has mentioned it yet, how about power cords that are controlled for directionality? Also, power cords that are suspended off the floor. Power cords with white jackets. Power cords with cleaned and conditioned plugs and wall outlets.
Flat Earth science pervades these discussions! A power cord has about as much effect on SQ as a copper bracelet has on relieving the discomfort of arthritis!
Ya gotta be real careful of that arthritis, dude. It’ll make it all the way up to the brain.