I agree with uberwaltz. Many Tool fans have a hard time accepting anything after Aenima, which I fully understand. It’s really interesting to hear the progression that the band has made over the years. With each album you can see how they get more melodic and experiment with polyrhythms, time signature changes, etc. For many, that may not be as exciting as their earlier, straight up rock sound.
I didn’t have much of a hard time accepting Lateralus and 10,000 Days. I think the problem I have with FI is that it sounds less like progression and more like a rehash of Lateralus’ riffs and melodies. Maynard showcases little of his talent on this one.
I’ve given it 3 full listens now and I find little worth celebrating. It doesn’t stir me in any way. In contrast, I loved 10,000 Days and Lateralus by the third listen. I can’t believe I’m saying this for a Tool album that was 13 years coming, but I won’t be buying FI on any physical format. I might give it another chance in the distant future. It seems I’m among a very small minority who dislike this album but I find it so disappointing that I’m honestly surprised by how many love it.