I've heard the Naim Statement preamp & monoblock amps paired with the Focal Utopia Grande Evo iii at last year RMAF (Rocky Mountain Audio Fest) with Naim ND 555 streamer/DAC + 555 PS DR power supply unit served as digital front end source component and did not sound bright at all.
I myself own a Naim Statement NAC S1 linestage preamp and Naim Statement NAP S1 monoblock amps driving my Magico M6 speakers and the overall tonality is on the warmer side of neutral but I would characterize it as intoxicated warmth, nothing like tubey syrupy liquidy type of warmth. I know I have different speakers (Magico M6) not the Focal Utopia Stella like the one you have.
My front end source components are also slightly on the warmer side as well. My analog front end source components : Clearaudio Statement v2 turntable w/ Statement TT-1 tonearm, Statement Goldfinger cartridge and D'Agostino Momentum phonostage pre. My digital front end source components : MSB Select ll DAC w/ upgraded Femto 33 clock & two mono powerbases (two separate mono power supply units). And all my cablings are slightly on the warmer side of neutral. I'm using Transparent Magnum Opus cablings.
I've heard the Naim Statement preamp & monoblock amps paired with the Focal Utopia Grande Evo iii at last year RMAF (Rocky Mountain Audio Fest) with Naim ND 555 streamer/DAC + 555 PS DR power supply unit served as digital front end source component and did not sound bright at all.
I myself own a Naim Statement NAC S1 linestage preamp and Naim Statement NAP S1 monoblock amps driving my Magico M6 speakers and the overall tonality is on the warmer side of neutral but I would characterize it as intoxicated warmth, nothing like tubey syrupy liquidy type of warmth. I know I have different speakers (Magico M6) not the Focal Utopia Stella like the one you have.
My front end source components are also slightly on the warmer side as well. My analog front end source components : Clearaudio Statement v2 turntable w/ Statement TT-1 tonearm, Statement Goldfinger cartridge and D'Agostino Momentum phonostage pre. My digital front end source components : MSB Select ll DAC w/ upgraded Femto 33 clock & two mono powerbases (two separate mono power supply units). And all my cablings are slightly on the warmer side of neutral. I'm using Transparent Magnum Opus cablings.