Purifi 1ET400A has no buffer, so it is expected to a manufacturer to add a custom buffer, and add more gain as needed.
It also has a disappointedly low 2.2k input impedance, so the use of most capacitor coupled (unless >10uf) preamps, tubes, or solid state or passive preamps direct in are out of the question if no extra gain is needed, which with today’s sources giving so much higher output, no extra gain is needed, so then neither would be an opamp buffer.
And if more gain is needed then a direct coupled opamp smd buffer is the only obvious option, again not capacitor coupled, solid state or tube buffer otherwise a massive 10uf coupling cap will be needed into that 2.2k input impedance.
WHY!! they keep making low input impedance amps these days is beyond me, go back to 48k (the once recognized industry standard) or even 100k like it used to be with tubes, makes for a whole better range of preamps ,tubes SS or passive able to drive them properly.
Cheers George