DQ-10 crossover upgrade?

I would like to thank everyone that responded to my thread earlier. I am having trouble finding the correct caps for the crossover upgrade. I also have a burnt inductor (L4?)I feel I can upgrade them myself if I had the proper components and documentation. I was told to talk to Regnar but they seem to be extremely overpriced .(seem to have the MKT. cornered)
Is their anyone that would be able to help me find a correct schematic my serial# are36831 for the left & #36830 for the right,which are the later versions.(they are mirrored) again any help would be appreciated.
You'll find the DQ-10 schematic at Yahoo Dahlquist group. Here are the cap values for later models:

C1 80 uF
C2 16 uF
C3 6.5 uF
C4 6.5 uF
C5 6.5 uF
C6 8.5 uF
C7 .1 uF
C8 .15 uF

Early models were slightly different:

C1 80 uF
C2 16 uF
C3 8.2 uF
C4 8.2 uF
C5 8.2 uF
C6 8.5 uF
C7 .1 uF
C8 .15 uF
I want to change out the (C1-80uf) cap in the crossover circuit. I was told that I should only use an electrolytic in that section. Is this a good assumption or could I use a different type to keep cost to a min.
Parts express has PPE film caps that can be added up to make the correct values.  For the 6.5 UF, one coluld substitute a 6.8 uf with only a 4% error.C Since most caps come as a +/- 10% error, this is fine. Or you could run a 5.6 and a 1.0 in parallel to get6.6 uF. Two 40 uF caps make an 80, etc. One should also replace R1 and R2 with aluminum finned 25 W power resistors available on Amazon  and EBay for a few bucks each.One should also replace the Tweeter level control in the woofer box, or at minimum disassemble and clean it thoroughly. I cannot verify if PPE caps are in fact an upgrade to the Dahlquist yellow mylar caps, used in later model DQs.....but they are way better than the Electrolytics used in the first batch of DQ 10s released.