Some observations after reading manufacturer's, dealers' and reviewers' information about some of the cartridge recommendations.
1. The Gold Note PH10 sounds like an excellent product, but it is well above my $1,000 budget at $1,699. Its power supply upgrade takes total cost well above $2,000. Would have to purchase used, which may preclude the ability to listen before buying.
2. The Italian made Trichord Dino (now Mk3) has been around for years, also sounds like a good product, starts at $799, has two power supply upgrades (the first of which is $349, closer to my budget), and a power cable upgrade, all of which reviewers suggest make material improvements to sound reproduction. It is designed to be upgraded in increments, which is something I appreciate. Haven't found a U.S. dealer or way to demo and return.
3. JLTI ships from Australia for about $1,000 U.S., with power supply upgrade about $340 more. The dealer's description includes the following comments. Not sure if there is a U.S. dealer with a return policy that would allow me to demo the unit before purchase.
"While it is optimised for Moving Coil cartridges (testing done with extremely low 0.22mV MC Cartridge), it will also perform its magic on majority of Moving Magnets. Low inductance and impedance cartridges will be at their best.
With MC the Signal to Noise Ratio (S/N) is superb, but with MM's higher impedances the noise rises, more than some than others, but in far majority of cases will be more than just adequate."
I have a good quality entry level turntable and MM cartridge. This unit seems more appropriate for a higher quality MC cartridge, the least costly good ones costing at least $250 and more like $400-$500. While I would consider a $250 cartridge upgrade budget, more than that would suggest purchasing a higher quality turntable.
4. The Musical Surroundings Phonomena ii+ is also an upgraded design of a unit that has been in production for years. Its price is $750 and its power supply is $650. Again, I like the ability to upgrade. The unit is made in the U.S. and has a wide range of adjustments, a plus. Multiple sellers in U.S. with return policies.
5. Parks Puffin is a lower cost option at $449 from Amazon. It uses DSP and has lots of adjustment options, many more than I would likely use. Would have to listen to it. At least if purchased from Amazon, could be returned.
Based on the above, #4 has me most interested. And recommendation comes from someone who like me has Ayre Acoustics components, suggesting a similar taste in sound reproduction.
I will follow-up with another post of some other brands/models that seem to meet my requirements with the hope that some of you will have some comments about them. I am also still considering a pre-owned Linn Uphorik, as I have some experience with Linn products and their "house sound."
Thanks for your interest in helping me narrow the field.