Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Solobone, I tested the same combination of 3b-st against the par. 7b-st, thinking that more current would be making an audible difference. At the spl that I play my music 80dB, there was no difference and the actual difference in Max spl was maybe 3dB. The 3b-st are very capable at moderate volume and the needed power is modest, 30 watt according to my measurements is plenty.

On a different note, the 3.5 can be really enhanced with tri-amping. Spend this summer hundreds of hours measuring, listening and comparing, and can now comfortably say that the 3.5 are competing with the 3.7. Measurements indicate even better phase coherence with linear xo filters and the absence of any phase shift is remarkable in the clarity and definition of the sound and soundstage. Being able to dial in exactly the amount of Base that the speakers can handle without distortion is priceless. I hope to write up my journey and make it accessible to others.

for a fair amount of material w/o measuring anything I am forced to agree with you.  I should be thorough in my posts as the devil is in the details!

for the most part I listen to large scale works where there are large dynamic as well as textural changes.  this is where the difference lies for me between the 3B and 7B amps

for example right now I have on the Berlioz Sym Fantastique - Solti - CSO huge dynamic contrasts and the large ensemble is used sparingly quite often

not only is there more impact and weight during the loud parts but the resolution in the softer parts is clearer while still having excellent weight

what do you use as a reference recording(s)? the Berlioz isn't a reference as much as it is what I want to listen to at the moment  
Solo, I have been using Eric Clapton, Unplugged lately. With amps, blind comparison is essential, letting my wife do the switching between amps, making sure the spl is equal.
I started on the write up and it will be a lengthy document to cover everything. Be patient and your help as a proof reader would be helpful.