Opinion regarding Golden Ear Technology Triton 1R

Was looking to update my loudspeaker which is currently the Triton 5 which retails for $2500.00 per pair.
The new Triton 1R came out in approximately December of 2019 and retails for $6000.00. I heard it today at my dealer and liked it very much. Looking to see if anyone else has heard or owned these speakers and their thoughts with regard
to them. If there is another speaker that you can recommend (new only) that is in the same price category I would be
interested in getting your opinion.  
I would call the manufacturer most are very willing to answer product questions.
There have been other posters in other threads contending that 1R's are much better than previous GE speakers.  I don't know which threads but you might find them with a search.

If you have a chance to hear Spendor D7 at same or lower cost, I'd recommend an audition.  Only you can decide which you'll like better.

Good luck

if the blue light isn’t on, then the subwoofer amp isn’t working and there will not be any bass from the 3 woofers.