static Issues...anybody know why?

When I use my Lyra Delos, no static at all.  When I use my Ortofon Quintet Mono, I have to pry the record off of the platter.  Why?
Note to self - never get into tecknical argumints with English majors.
Okay, so I changed the headshell.  Static is gone.  So was it the cheap headshell wires from ebay on the other headshell....? Not sure.  crazy stuff.
Geoffy the Static Troll: “(never get into tecknical argumints )”

Ummm Geoffy, hel-loo, rpt, hel-loo, grab a dictionary! The word “technical” doesn't have a 'k' in it, and 'mint' is a thing you eat, although not after 'argu'. Get on the English literacy 🚂 choo choo 🚂!
@sleepwalker65  +1
Ha Ha! You put a little bait in the hook and look who bites. Another Inglish Major. 🤗