Ceramic insulator cone under phono stage shocker!

I have used small ceramic insulator cones underneath my phono stage for quite some time.
Previous phono was a Gold note ph10 and it did not make ANY audible difference I could detect which way up the cones were so I had left them cone upwards.

When I changed my phono to a Manley Chinook I just left the cones same way.
This afternoon I decided to flip them over so cone down just to see.

I honestly could not and cannot believe the difference!
I may have lost a smidge of low bass but everywhere else is improved in spades.
Much more detail, resolution, air, imaging, dynamics.
Just completely shocking how much better a small change has made.

But I am perplexed why such a huge change on the Chinook where I noted nothing on the ph10?

Any theories here?

Appreciate your response buddy. I too would like to hear from others more knowledgeable than myself address the issue rather than drag the subject down the drain.
I guess nobody wants to win a prize. And the answer is ....

Super Stiff Springs! But the trick is to use two 2x4s, each about 24 inches long. A Super Stiff Spring goes under both ends of both 2x4s that are placed front to back on each side of the rack. This allow you to place the Super Stiff Springs in a very wide pattern, a requirement for stability when isolating a heavy object with high center of gravity. Voila! 🤗 For greater stability place heaviest components on lowest shelves of rack.
Oh, no! You’re right! Somebody needs to PM me the prize he wants - Morphic Message Labels, Flying Saucers for Windows or Flying Saucers for Unused Wall Outlets.
Why put your offer on someone else to notify, then somehow determine what device they have no idea as to what they would want?

You made the offer, you should take care of it!