ARC Ref 110 with KT 150 tubes

I am currently running a Ref 100 with KT 120 tubes, no probs, net gains on the old 6550s. But has anybody gone a stage further and used KT 150s? Any potential problems, you think?

Many thanks for advice.
Just in case anyone is still wondering the KT150 is NOT recommended in the Ref 110. I was told this 2 weeks ago by ARC. 
I was  told buy Audio Research service  Center that the KT150. will work in the Audio Research Ref 210  Mono Amplifiers The Transformers Power supply on not strong enough, The Rev 110 Amp is the Stereo so the KT150 might not work in Amp also.
I need to make a correction about the KT150 Tube  it will not work in the Audio Research Rev 210 Amplifier, I Call Audio Research Service Center about this.


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I am running an ARC VS115 with closely matched cryo treated KT150 tubes . The eight main power supply capacitors were recently replaced with Mundorf HV Mlytics ( 680uf 450V) with the original Relcap 2 uf and /. 1 uf bypass caps retained. Sounds amazing and KT-150’s are a very significant sonic improvement over the KT120’s. This ARC VS115 amp has also had it’s power supply ( rectifier high voltage stage with Cree Schotkys) and power regulator diodes upgraded ( vishay high speed) as well as the coupling caps upgraded to TRT Stealths ( same high end caps used by ARC in production). The KT120’s sounded great in this amp but the KT150’s are in a totally different league.  The main power supply capacitors absolutely need to be replaced for the KT150's to sound their best in this amp. The bass improvement is dramatic with the KT150 upgrade. To the best of my knowledge ARC has not stated that KT-150 tubes can be used in the VS115 so I am just stating they worked for me and my VS115 is now one of the best sounding tube amps I have ever heard !  The preamp driving this amp is a Primaluna EV0 400 upgraded with vintage  Brimar and  Phillips NOS tubes using balanced connections. KT150  tubes from Upscale Audio  are matched. Amp is on a  3D  Siesmic sink pneumatic platform. Happy listening and e-mail me with questions on this application if interested.