A question for fans of Threshold amplifiers

I'm very lucky to be able to hear numerous highly regarded solid state amplifiers in my home because I do professional reviewing.  In the last year I have been able to acquire three pristine re-capped E-series Threshold amplifiers.  These are a S/350e, S/550e, and a SA/4e.  When compared to some of the most highly regarded/high price amplifiers on today's market, not only did they hold there own, but particularly the S/550e/SA/4e, I found to be superior in my system.

It has been a long time since any threads have discussed any Threshold amplifiers at all.  So, I'm curious if there are any GON members who use any of the Threshold E-series amps and what your experience has been at comparing them to current production amplifiers.

Well this post is useless unless you are willing to name the "highly regarded" amps that you used to compare. Having heard a Threshold not long ago I have a hard time believing what you just posted.
There are many vintage Threshold amps. IMHO, the models really worth having today because of the high(est) level of performance, then and now, would be the SA series 1, 2, and 3. Unfortunately they don't come up often and are expensive when they do.