Gold Lion KT88's Upgrade

I have a McIntosh 2275 int amp with factory KT88's.
Would Gold lion Kt88's be a better upgrade ?
Thank you
If agree with the member whose suggested the GE 6550s. If you can swing the cost. I recently bought a fairly decent number of the Russian Gold Lion KTs and wasnt impressed with the factory test readings in terms of consistency. Not huge numbers but about 30 to 40 of the 88s and the 77s. Should note that none were bad. 
I recently retubed my MC75 mono amps and used a matched quad of the Gold Lion's with great results. I can recommend them. 
RAM Tube Works offers Gold Lion KT88's in sets matched as close as humanly possible, and comprised of the best examples of the tube.
you should consider the Shuguang Western Electric red base KT88s.

best KT88 I have heard, including many NOS varieties. Shuguang has done their homework on plate and cathode metallurgy.

they are not cheap, but are open and airy, give a great sound stage and are super at dynamics.
You cannot go wrong with New Sensor's reissued of the Genalex Gold Lion KT88 tubes  They are well made, good sounding, reliable and well priced tubes. 

I have not kept up with all the Shuguang / Psvane KT88 variants, but I am always wary of companies that produce new versions over a relatively short periods of time.