What are some of the most underrated and overrated loudspeakers you’ve auditioned?

What speaker do you believe are the most overrated and which one do you consider the most overrated?
Most under rated in my opinion would be the JBL M2 studio monitors.  Most over rated is anything from Wilson.
It's tough to say a whole company is overrated, but I'll take a stab at it.

Overrated: Wilson Audio, I only heard them sound good on 2 occasions.
B&W-i think this more do to their popularity, their have been times I've heard them sound good and horrible but never great.
Vandersteen-they have just never done it for me....most of time I've heard them they souded bloated and slow thru the bass, although for it's price I really liked the 1c.
It's some others I would name but I'm not..
Underrated-Wharfedale, Quad box speakers, Spendor, Legacy, Ohm, Tannoy, Klipsch Heritage series, Polk LSi, JbL,PMC, GR Research, Definitive Technology, Mission, Epos, Phase Technology
I would say some of the most under-rated are Pi Speakers, by Wayne Parham.  In my opinion, the designs of his that I have spent some time with, the 4Pi and 7Pi, are superb.

Wayne offers plans for free, and his designs use prosound drivers which many audiophiles have prejudices against, but he uses really good-sounding, studio-quality ones.   And he is a master of crossover design (he was one of my teachers).

Wayne also offers assembled speakers, but I get the impression that because they are also offered as a kit, they do not have the mystique that many audiophiles are attracted to. 
