Best speaker in the US $ 30-45.000,00 range

Hi all. I´m searching for a nice speaker in the high-end midprice category. On my shortlist are: Verity Audio Leonore, Sonus Faber Stradivari, Consensus Audio Conspiracy, Wilson Audio Sasha and Magico V 3. Has anybody had the chance to compare these speakers ?
i really don't understand why someone would post such a question and i will keep my opinions to myself. just wondering if the original poster were to find a speaker that was the best thing he ever heard and it cost $12000, would he disregard it and purchase something for $40000 just because. hmmm...
I guess for everything (well almost) there's usually a standard setting benchmark at every price point. If you look wise and hard enough, I'd be hard pressed if you can't find one best speaker in 45k range that bettered your best in the 15k range (subjectively). Just as I think you would easlily find that best of 100k sport sedan beating out those best in the 25k category. Hence, stating of price bracket to this thread is valid and applicable, imo.
My fave speakers are:

Coincident Technology Pure Reference Extreme's ~$25,000

Lansche No. 3 ~ $30,000

Lansche No. 5.1 ~ $45,000

Marten Coltrane Soprano ~ $50,000
