Need a remote control for my Audio Research CD1 CD Player

Can anyone help me? I need a remote control for my AR CD1 player. I have tried to contact Audio research for help--once by email and once by phone where I was forced to leave a voice mail. Their customer support seems to be a little slow in my case.

Anyway, I thought I would ask for advise or assistance on possibly getting a replacement through other channels prior to me finally tracking down AR. If you can help I am all ears and appreciate any assistance.

autospec, do you still have the remote for the ARC cd1? If so I will buy it. It also will opperate my krell KAV-250CD PLAYER.
When I needed a Wadia remote I listed a wanted ad on the gon. I was lucky enough to get a response and I purchased it. You might try that route. And no, it didn't cost $7.
Anyone still have the original remote for ARC CD-1 for sale? I’m in need of one now.  Please let me know. Thanks