Revel ultima 2 salon owners biwire or not

How many of you are biwiring your salon2's
Do you find it to make a noticeable difference
I am awaiting a pair of the salon2 soon
My system
Basis 2200 signature with vector4
Aesthetix Rhea signature
Ayre c5xe
Parasound jc1
Bat 51se
Speaker cables kubala emotion non biwire

Congratulations on the Salon 2s. I'm very happy with my pair. Unless you bi-amp, bi-wiring is a waste. Revel even says so in the owners manual. 10 gauge zip cord works great.
I have tried bi-wiring with my old Revel Studios and did not hear any improvement. I will be setting my new Salon 2s tomorrow and it will single wire.
I also used to have a pair of studios
I biwired with audienceau24 with good results when compared with single wire straightwire black silc
I would be interested in your impressions with single wiring
When you get your salon 2's. What sc are you using?

Speaker cables are Audioquest Everest and interconnects are Sky. I tried bi-wiring with 2 pairs of Everest.