Ceramic insulator cone under phono stage shocker!

I have used small ceramic insulator cones underneath my phono stage for quite some time.
Previous phono was a Gold note ph10 and it did not make ANY audible difference I could detect which way up the cones were so I had left them cone upwards.

When I changed my phono to a Manley Chinook I just left the cones same way.
This afternoon I decided to flip them over so cone down just to see.

I honestly could not and cannot believe the difference!
I may have lost a smidge of low bass but everywhere else is improved in spades.
Much more detail, resolution, air, imaging, dynamics.
Just completely shocking how much better a small change has made.

But I am perplexed why such a huge change on the Chinook where I noted nothing on the ph10?

Any theories here?
So are you saying in your opinion by placing springs under my sub instead of the now spikes/cups I may find an even greater increase in SQ?
That would be a nice move if true.
I had thought about using springs under the subs for a while but since I already had the Stillpoints, why let that kind of investment just sit around? Additionally the Stillpoints are a ball n' cup device so from my understanding, the vibrations from above and below dissipate at the ball. IMO, this makes the Stillpoints both a coupler & decoupler.
Maybe overused by now but more mind boggling results.
Raised my little Denon au320 SUT up on 3 ceramic cones points downwards and probably an even larger SQ improvement than on the Chinook.
It is like a layer of grunge that I never even knew was there was just removed.
Clarity and detail just took a huge leap forward.
Makes you wonder just how much more is left hiding in those little grooves to be discovered.

I guess the transformer in this SUT was a pretty noisy beggar!

Sitting here with a massive grin from ear to ear!
I would definitely be finding a home/ use for those Stillpoints too.
Sounds like they are working well for you and that is what counts.
Coupling and decoupling at the same time may truly be the key.
uberwaltz OP
GK, So are you saying in your opinion by placing springs under my sub instead of the now spikes/cups I may find an even greater increase in SQ? That would be a nice move if true.

If there was something better I would have already designed it and be selling it. Whaddya think, Junior, these hands have been soaking in Ivory Liquid?