Bought a pair of Magnepan LRS. Should I buy a Schiit Vidar or Bryston 3B-ST?

Has anyone heard both? I plan on travelling so small form factor matters to me but I'd like to stay with class ab, and balanced connections. I like the idea of having monoblocks with the Schiit when I get the money, and I've had good experiences with the brand. (Owned a Saga, a Mani, and a Jotunheim twice) but Bryston has the name recognition. I'm also concerned that upgrade fever would be relentless with the 3B-ST until I got the new and very expensive 3B3.
Two things:
1) There is no substitute for horsepower. Maggie's need/love power so a few extra horses behind them is always good.
2) Monoblocks, monoblocks, monoblocks.
That's my 2 cents.
" I plan on travelling so small form factor matters to me but I'd like to stay with class ab, and balanced connections. I like the idea of having monoblocks with the Schiit when I get the money, and I've had good experiences with the brand. (Owned a Saga, a Mani, and a Jotunheim twice) but Bryston has the name recognition."


     There currently are several brands of a certain amp type that are perfectly suited for driving your new pair of LRS speakers or literally any pair of Magnepans.  These amps are high powered, stable into 4 ohms and less, have a small form factor, typically have unbalanced and balanced inputs, are relatively inexpensive in both stereo and monoblock forms, have very low distortion, are very accurate, detailed, with background noise levels that are dead quiet, have a smooth and natural frequency response from top to bottom, have exceptionally powerful dynamics, run cool, consume very little electricity and are extremely close to the ideal amp analogy of a 'straight wire with gain'.
    These ideal amps for your pair of  LRS are called, whoa, oh hold on, wait a second.  I'm sorry, I just remembered you only wanted to consider class AB amps.  Never mind.

      I'd suggest you try to either live up to your username or change it to 'afoolishman'.


Magnepan recommends AB amps but acknowledges that some newer D amps might work well
@noble100 Having preferences makes me an idiot, lmao? I enjoyed the class ab amps I've had in the past much more than the class d, so I'm going with my gut/ears. Sue me.
saying you want small form amp for speakers that need monoblocks
is unrealistic if you want good results.try the vidars they are small.
but i think the bryston will sound much better.