ADD-Powr by Coherence Systems --- Power Conditioning Products

Recent research into power conditioning approaches and products brought ADD-Powr to my attention. This company, and it’s products, were previously unknown to me.

The company, Coherence Systems, is based in Santa Monica, CA. and has been in business for some time.

An introduction and general overview can be found within their ’About Us’ page:

Nordost (in 2008) purchased the QRT technology that these folks developed.

Bill Stierhout is the proprietor / owner and the brains behind the ADD-Powr product line.
I thought I had posted to this/the original thread, but's not there.
@slaw   You had posted. I was on vacation and only saved the first few posts. My apologies to you and others. If you can remember those questions/posts please re-post. 
Maybe Father Christmas will bring me a Sorcer4 to play nicely ( or not?) with the Gate.

I know more than one member was curious on that outcome.
@uberwaltz My Sorcer plays nice with both of the SR PowerCells (mine and the demo unit), the Akiko Audio Corelli and the PIAudio UberBUSS within my system. I wouldn’t be surprised if it does (that is play nice) with your Gate.

The pressing, perhaps more pertinent, question is whether you’ve been naughty or nice for Santa’s purposes! : )
The SR Galileo PowerCell SX has come into it's own (about 10 days in system). 

The pairing with the Sorcer X4 is magical. Very, very good with the Sorcer disconnected, but SO, SO MUCH more enjoyable, rewarding, and soul satisfying with the Sorcer in system.