Peachtree Audio 2.0

I've been listening to my Canadian made Peachtree Audio nova150 over the past few weeks and just can't believe how good it sounds for the money. So I wondered who else might have stumbled across this Canadian made wonder and have an opinion.  What do you think?
I purchased a Nova 150 last Saturday and returned in Monday.  I was shocked by how bad it sounded! I expected the piece to make my Monitor Audio Silver 8s really sing.  Strange "splashy" highs.... veiled midrange ...lack of dynamics. I have been very happy with my Decca 2 so I was expecting the Nova to sound great.  I don't have any explanation to account for the sound issues. I spent about 8 hours listening to this unit and it sounded very bad compared to my old and less expensive  gear. I A - Bed the unit for my wife without comment and she liked the sound of both of my old units over the Nova.  Did the Nova ha e a problem?  An AC issue? I was really disappointed.  Great looking piece without lots features. The vendor had a number of Nova 300s returned with different issues but had not witnessed any Nova 150 problems.  Bummer!  ???
The Nova 150 I purchased was a display model with several hundred hours so it was "run in."
450 watts not enough for Maggie's?  They need lots of current so maybe that's the issue.  How loud? I was thinking of going back to Magnaplanar... probably 1.7s. I have had a couple of pair through the years.  I never had an  issue with my old Maggies but I did have an amp that could handle 2 ohms and delivered lots of  current..(amps!) along with 300 watts into 4 ohms. [Preamp was an ARC SP6. The power amp was a dual mono unit from the now defunct Audire Audio.] I will look for a new set of speakers that are a bit more efficient and can deliver, loud, dynamic sound without pulling down the power for the whole town. The old models lacked dynamic contrast and became veiled as they aged as I recall.