Ceramic insulator cone under phono stage shocker!

I have used small ceramic insulator cones underneath my phono stage for quite some time.
Previous phono was a Gold note ph10 and it did not make ANY audible difference I could detect which way up the cones were so I had left them cone upwards.

When I changed my phono to a Manley Chinook I just left the cones same way.
This afternoon I decided to flip them over so cone down just to see.

I honestly could not and cannot believe the difference!
I may have lost a smidge of low bass but everywhere else is improved in spades.
Much more detail, resolution, air, imaging, dynamics.
Just completely shocking how much better a small change has made.

But I am perplexed why such a huge change on the Chinook where I noted nothing on the ph10?

Any theories here?
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I wish someone would do some study of the changes in sound different shapes of cones create? And what changes in dnesity cause?) I know there are also ebony flattish cones similar to the flatter DH, also the dome shape have similar type in ebony. (I have both in ebony, plus small and medium dome type in ebony. But I am too preoccupied with my exotic wood blocks to go back and putz around with footer shapes. Plus the THREE vs FOUR business? Maybe next year, once I have really explored the exotic wood enough.

>>>>Been there, done that. And as far as I know I’m the only one who has. We covered that last semester. But don’t dismay. There’s always summer school. Do an Audiogon search for Mohs scale of Hardness and all will be revealed.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Advanced Audio Conceits
The Golden Years for Golden Sound were around 15 years ago when Allen Chang carried the DH cones, Golden Sound Cables, Ultra Tweeters, Acoustic Discs, the Intelligent Chip 🤓 - then he kind of went off the radar and focused primarily on his line of HDMI cables. I was in his room at CES demoing the Intelligent Chip, the pebbles, about five (count ‘em!) of my Promethean springy bases, we even had a Nirvana dual layer iso stand! Hel-loo! Golden Sound speakers, Ultra Tweeters. We had BWS Consulting’s Tube preamp. I spent most of the night before the show treating the room with Peter Belt stuff. We had the water bowls. We even had photos in the freezer that year. OMG! 😛 Those were the Golden Years.

Run for the shadows, run for the shadows
Run for the shadows in these golden years

I am still a little perplexed by both DH and SR claim to use their cones/couplers in either two up/ one down or two down /One up configuration.

Does not make a lot of sense to myself.

But if I had a set I would naturally give it a try.

However between $70 and $250 for a set vs $1 each for the ex Ham radio ceramic cones I am presently using?
Cheapness, I mean financial responsibility, is not always a virtue. Penny smart and pound foolish.  😬 It’s all about the Hardness. The DH cones are the next hardest to diamond. They are NASA grade, harder than other ceramics. The Small DH Cones are what, $39 Set of 3?

It was not Golden Sound’s claim for the one up two down configuration. That was some customer’s claim. Trust me, the “all points down” configuration is correct. 🤗