Subs: sealed vs. ported

I need to add a sub. I don't have one now, so I'm not replacing anything, and I also don't have much in the way of preconceived notions. My reading is making me think sealed is preferred for music/2.1 channels, and ported is preferred for movies. Is this a fair assessment. I know everyone will have their own preferences for brands/models, and I'm open to suggestions, but it seems my first decision should be sealed or ported (or one of the brands that has ports and comes with plugs?)
I had a REL Stadium II for 10 years in my system and paid less than $4000 new, over 15 years ago.
Can't see how it's still worth $1700 today?
At any rate...... I now have two Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofers which quite frankly make the REL sound unconvincing in comparison?
You could buy a new Vandy for the same price as the used REL and add another one when you have the funds?.......or try and purchase two used ones?
You won't regret it.
Yeah, I let it go...I got a ULS 15 coming for $700. I figure it may be a tad high for used, but if I really don't like I can get most of it back resale. SVS would have been first choice, but for half the money I figured I'd try this. Now the interminal wait for the brown truck. Thanks for all the input. It seems any of the 'main' manufacturers have their die-hard fans, and pros-cons, but ultimately the sonic differences are likely to be negligible in my system at my level of experience. Having nothing now, anything will be a huge improvement. Plus the all-important factor of SWMBO preferring the Rosenut finish to the black.

Next up: center channel, mains and real amplification....
Good to hear English,
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts once you'e spent some time with the ULS. I think you'll find it provides ample amounts of bass. Best of luck.
Not-so-patiently waiting for it...

Since my system is pulling double duty, 2 channel music and HT, are there any tricks/tips for hookup? Again, Yamaha RXA3010 AVR with sub-out. I'm hoping the sub's bass will relieve some of the load on my 2-channel amp powering the inefficient mains and squeeze a little better performance in 2-channel. When I select '2-Channel Stereo' on the AVR, does that drop the sub and make it literally 2-channel (as it is now), or can it be a sub-sat setup?
Ample??? Um...yeah, you could say that!! I have it basically setup - it's in the best spot in the room, just need to dial it in. But there's no lack of output!

Definitely helping the mains. I have an old demo disc I know well, and hearing details I haven't heard out of these speakers before. Not as good as the 805D's I listened to, or PM1's for that matter, but they were in a sound-conditioned room. I know what can be heard, let's just say that, and I know what I've been used to on this system, and there's a definite improvement. These main speakers aren't the best with imaging - they do well with vocals, not so great if lots of instruments get going - but they are having an easier time of it now.