Tool Fear Inoculum impressions

Who else thinks this is a masterpiece? Or, do you hate it? Your thoughts...
I would LOVE if Taylor Swift wrote a song about being bumped off the number one spot by Tool.
They are a very talented, and great, band. BUT, IMO, Undertow, is still their best work. No need to comment...ymmv.....Enjoy ! MrD.
@mrdecibel  when we were younger, the raw energy of Undertow drew us all in. Nothing like that sound had really been done before so it was new to all of us.

That said, I think it would be pretty hard to deny how much the band has matured and evolved and progressed through the years and specifically to this new album. It's just on a different level of artistry than Undertow.

Like I said, undertow rocks. No question about it. But what they created on this album is a masterpiece. The same cannot be said of Undertow from an artistic sense.
i respect tool, but the new record was underwhelming--they meander instead of rock and the drummer overplays to the point of parody--he makes keith moon sound comatose by comparison.