It’s like looking in the mirror. Barry is the man! But for Led Zeppelin CDs I somewhat prefer George Marino, who remastered the Led Zeppelin Remasters Box set of 1990, which apparently used the original master tapes, at least as far as I know. As fate would have it, I heard some of the Led Zeppelin 1990 Remasters on a BSOTA (that’s Beyond State of the Art) system Saturday. If you could hear what I heard with my ears.
By the way, don’t fall into the trap of trying to figure out if something falls into the Tuning category or vibration control. It’s not that simple. Michael Green uses springs yet calls them “tuning.” He is a staunch anti isolation kind of guy. See the irony? But I digress. Wood is a know resonator, you know, like Mpingo discs, so I would put wood squarely in the VIBRATION CONTROL category. The only good vibration is a dead vibration.
By the way, don’t fall into the trap of trying to figure out if something falls into the Tuning category or vibration control. It’s not that simple. Michael Green uses springs yet calls them “tuning.” He is a staunch anti isolation kind of guy. See the irony? But I digress. Wood is a know resonator, you know, like Mpingo discs, so I would put wood squarely in the VIBRATION CONTROL category. The only good vibration is a dead vibration.