Conrad Johnson--does anyone use this brand anymore?

Does anyone have any opinions re Conrad Johnson Phono Pre amps?   
Versus other brands?

I currently have TEASE2---but need step up transformer for cartridge.


Hi, i am a long time Mfgrs Rep in the audio business, i own several pieces of CJ, both owners I know, if your amp does not sell, send me an email and i will make an offer, so if you do not get your price email me at: or 816-305-8000. I represent several high end Audio companies, thanks, john
I use LP260M SE amps - they blow me away, in how musical and powerful they are. 

Don't want to cut into Bluebike 1954,  but would like to know if anyone owns or has owned a Conrad Johnson CA-150 integrated  (not the SE version)

If so, what is your opinion of its sound quality and performance?? I am considering downsizing my system to an integrated amp

BTW, I have owned a PV-8 pre-amp and currently use a PV-14LSE pre-amp-linestage.  Both are excellent components.

Thank you,
